Product Description
No Mafia Olive oil here! 3rd party certified to be 100% Cold Pressed Olive oil! Tracability and Authenticity on all our oils. Because we chase the crush we receive a new selection of extra virgin olive oils every 6 months. June – Oct we have a fresh pressed selection from Australia, Brazil, Chili and Argentina. Nov- May we receive our Olive oils from Spain, Italy, Greece and California. Early harvest olives are picked and quickly crushed to create these lovely, delicate, creamy mild extra virgin olive oils. Poly-phenol’s (antioxidants) will range from 130- 250. Great for lighter applications where you want a milder flavor profile to support but not compete with you food flavors. Call either of our stores for our current list of EVOO’s, or take a chance and order the most recent press. If you have a preference of a country of origin, just write that into the “Order Notes” on the order form.
Weight |
375ml, 750ml |